
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Project Review: One Yard Wonders - Folklore Bag

Finally! I finally found some time to review this nifty Folklore bag! The purse itself has been hanging in the closet for well over a month, I'd say. Well, this pattern comes from the very useful and fullofawesomelycoolpatterns, One Yard Wonders, page 159.
The turquoise owl fabric was actually a bed spread from Urban Outfitters that I found on clearance a while ago. I used to sell fat quarters of it in my shop and I had just enough left to make the bag. Seriously, I had not a scrap left! I just went with a simple off-white kona cotton lining and added lots of pockets, more than the pattern called for. You can never have too many pockets!

Now to the review! The instructions were very clear and easy. The hardest part is just getting all the pattern pieces traced and cut out; the sewing part was quite simple. If you decide to make this bag, don't forget to add the magnetic snap to the lining before you finish sewing it! I made that mistake. Good thing I keep the seam ripper close by! I thought it was a bit strange that you had to sew the top band together (so it made a circular band) before you attached it to the pleated bottom part of the bag. I always fear that my fabric won't line up properly...but it was fine. I just had to make sure I cut the pieces from the pattern exactly. (sometimes I wing it and well, haste makes waste!)

This was a great pattern and I'd love to make more of them with all my new Echino fabrics I just bought. Maybe make one for each day of the week...
I'd  definitely recommend the pattern to an intermediate to advanced seamstress..beginners can give it a whirl if they 're feeling adventurous.

Overall a great pattern with fabulous results! Now I think I'll just have to sell it in my shop or something. I have way too many bags lying around here!

For my next review, I'd love to do one about cloth diapers. I'll search around for a good pattern. If anyone knows of one, let me know!!


  1. Cool! I like the owl fabric that you used. I love repurposing sheets or other fabrics! has some cool cloth diaper patterns. I wanted to make my kids their diapers when they were smaller, but at that time I had no energy for sewing. I just opted to buy the cloth diapers instead. :-P

  2. Thanks, PD & Sara!

    Sara, I have looked at the Verybaby website and I think I may have to get one of theirs. There are so many different fabrics you need, so we'll see how that goes!
