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A string of thoughts, DIY, thrift scores, geeking out, sewing, crafting, and so on....

Sunday, February 15, 2015

From the Archives: 10 Tips for Healthy Cleaning and Living

Whether you have kids or not, its good to be (Im so sick of this word )"green". Its mainly good for you - which is most important. Lots of cleansers & household products are extremely harmful - which is why the companies never post the ingredients to their formulas; they don't want you to know you're buying something that's quite toxic. Well, here are a...

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Geeky Valentine + SALE

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, I've had a pretty good time finding these valentines on Pinterest. You can pretty much find some for anyone who is enraptured with any fandom, geeky or not.   I am also having a sale on jewelry at my shop - CrankHeartPony - just use code BEMINE for 30% off. Get those last minute gifts for the lovely ladies / gents in your life. 1....

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Harry Potter / Doctor Who Crossover...LOVE!

As a huge fan of Harry Potter and the Whoniverse, this video is a perfect marriage of them both. The Goblet of Fire already stars the wonderful David Tennant as Barty Crouch, Jr. and the Doctor (# 10 - or 11th if you count John Hurt...who is ALSO Ollivander!) I swear, these British actors are in some club where they get these awesome intertwining roles! Either way, take a gander. I really enjoyed this short and sweet crossover and hope you do too. ...

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Rare Sale at the PeanutEnvy Shop!

There is quite the sale going on at PeanutEnvy..and a rare one too! All Russian dolls are $25{reg. $34}, Owls are $35 {reg. $42} and wallets a mere $10 {reg. $14}. There is a new member to the PE family and that would be Fritz the Fox...see him below! That guy is also $25! For more sales and updates with the shop, check out our Facebook page! ...

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