There is quite the sale going on at PeanutEnvy..and a rare one too! All Russian dolls are $25{reg. $34}, Owls are $35 {reg. $42} and wallets a mere $10 {reg. $14}. There is a new member to the PE family and that would be Fritz the Fox...see him below! That guy is also $25! For more sales and updates with the shop, check out our Facebook page!
There is a sale going on at my CrankHeartPony Shop that ends Valentines Day! As you can see, I'm offering 30% off your entire order! So find something for you or your sweetheart!
We have vintage:
Lots of Neo Victorian and nature inspired jewelry:
Doctor Who items
Harry Potter FanArt
And it's all yours at 30%off! Remember to use the code BEMINE
Happy New Year!
2013 was pretty spectacular and what made it so enjoyable was getting out and doing stuff! As much as I love "doing stuff", it can be hard to find something that I want to do. There are a lot of sites out there that help with this, but I have not found many that cater to my creative spirit. However, the site Vimbly, which helps one track all sorts of things to do in the city, has a pretty nice list of artsy classes to choose from in Chicago. And when I say "all sorts", I mean it. You can explore metal work, stained glass, designing and hand printing fabric, letterpress, photography, creating beauty products, and beyond. With all this variety, I was having a bit of an Ephialtes moment of "I WANT IT ALL". What made the choice a bit easier was that Vimbly featured classes with Spudnik Press Cooperative, a magical place I've been wanting to check out for the longest time. I love screen printing and, as it goes, Spudnik is the place to be for that medium. I very easily purchased my class on the Vimbly site and was all set. All I had to do was show up the day of class and get creating.
Spudnik was everything I dreamed it would be; walls covered in the coolest art prints, inks of every color, knowledgeable and helpful teaching artists who are patient and void of pretentiousness... so nice! I created a fox head design and printed it on t-shirts and fabric to use on whatever sewing projects I may conjure up. Super fun class!
In other geekish news, here is an idea I'd love to see made into a reality in 2014... Enjoy