Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Easiest Barrette Tutorial Ever!

I got these adorable Flapper girl buttons a while ago and longed to make something with them. Well, that dream came true while I was looking for something cute to out in Maddy's hair - her bangs get in her eyes a lot and it stresses her out. So here's what ya do:
1. get a button and a bobby pin, slide the button on the WAVY part button facing up

2. Ta-da! instant cuteness!

3. Display on nearest head.


The flapper buttons are adorable! You have a great blog.

I found you posted on etsy.


That was the easiest! lol. Now where to get the flapper girl button. Very cute.

I found the buttons at JoAnn Fabrics

Now that WAS the easyiest tute eva! Thanks for sharing.

those buttons are adorable! i found them also at Joann's as part of a birthday gift....so cute and so fast!

whats up babe, ha, display on nearest head. so what if I was on the CTA?? yer a funny girl!!

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